How to spot defective equipment

What is considered defective gear:

Generally, any issue that prevents your merchandise performing as it should is a defect.

Let's talk specifics:

Cassette players

This is not a digital medium, so some variation in performance quality is expected. 

Below is a list of things that should not be happening with your cassette player and is considered a defect:

  • Inconsistent play speed
  • Plays slower or faster than it should
  • If the sound doesn't output to both channels
  • Sound flutter
  • It simply doesn't work
  • If the tape hisses, the sound is weak, or there are no high tones, 
  • If the tape spills out of the cassette
  • If the sound is garbled
  • If it won’t rewind or fast forward
  • If it stops unexpectedly or won’t stop at the end of a tape
  • If it won’t record
  • If the sound is distorted or intermittent

Please note: some variation in performance is expected. For instance, new cassette players today are not made to be played while jogging. If you attempt to do that it is expected that you will get a warbled sound.


What's not considered a defect:

  • Cassette players are not silent mechanisms. They produce noise and that will vary from one manufacturer to other. It is normal to be able to hear the mechanism rolling when you don't have your headphones on.

If you're experiencing an issue that is not described in this page, please send us a video of the problem to


Record players

  • Inconsistent play speed
  • Plays slower or faster than it should
  • If the sound doesn't output to both channels
  • Sound flutter
  • It simply doesn't work